Dear Friends in Christ,
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We have meditated on many things about the creation of our Almighty God, by praising the Lord, remembering all of them again and thinking about a new topic, if a common man obeys the Creator who made all this creation.... that experience if we talk to him face to face,.... that I felt like meditating on what life would be like!!
But we believe this to be true because it is in the Bible about Moses. But this could be fiction! For those who doubt that, let's study history first and prove it with accurate evidence.
1. The Leader.. Part-1 (Moses in History) Part -1
2. The Leader.. Part-1 (Moses in History) (Moses in the Scriptures) Part-2
3. The Leader.. Part-1 (Moses in History) (A traveler with no destination) Part-3
Part-1 Let's meditate on Moses in history.
Although there are many disagreements about the history of Moses after every event written about him in the Bible has been proven with accurate evidence, Bible scholars and archeologists agree that the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt definitely happened, and it also happened under Moses.
According to history, Moses lived between 1400 BC - 1201 BC.
Moses MOUZIZ, "Moses Rabbuni", is considered one of the most important religious leaders in world history.
Who and thinks what?
Bible: The story of Moses is told in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. He is mentioned throughout the Bible. Especially the most frequently cited prophet in the New Testament.
Islam: Moses also played an important role in the Qur'an. In the Qur'an, as in the Bible, they see Moses as a mediator of God's intentions for mankind.
The Egyptian historian Manetho: (3rd century BC) Tells the story of an Egyptian named Osarsiph. The teacher rebelled against the king of Egypt and led some people to another region. Also, he rejected the polytheism of the Egyptian religion and expressed the monotheistic belief that God is one. Also, the historian says, he believed in a God whose name no human could pronounce. Surely he is our Moses!
- During the 19th Ramesside dynasty of Egypt, evidence supporting the 13th-century Exodus came to light.
- An examination of Egyptian texts, artifacts, and archaeological sites dating back to the 13th century BC proves that everything said in the Bible is accurate.
- For example, 3 place names found in the journey of the Israelites from Egypt were Biblical names from the Ramesside period (13th -11th centuries BC) Pithom, Ramasen, Msuf (the Red Sea or the Red Sea) Egyptian place names found in Egyptian texts.
The stone tablets of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai:
Another valuable piece of evidence proving the history of Moses is the stone tablets of the 10 Commandments...are they still there? where are What actually happened?
1. When Moses saw the golden calf he threw down the first tablets of stone that he brought down from Mount Sinai. He went back to Mount Sinai at God's command. Then he was given the second set.
2. The second set of stone tablets, with the Ten Commandments engraved on them, were hidden in the Ark of the Covenant (Deut. 10:1,2 Heb. 8:4-5) (1 Samuel 3:3 and 1 Kings 8:11).
But it appears from these verses that when the temple was first captured in Jerusalem in 587 BC, the prophet Jeremiah and some men took the ark into the desert and buried it, and its contents remain hidden to this day (2 Maccabees 2:4) (2 Maccabees 2:5).
3. David Michaels, director of antiquities, said the stone was buried in the rubble for several centuries after the site where the tablets were kept was destroyed by the Romans between 400 and 600 AD.
- Thirty years later, in 1943, the man's son sold the stone to municipal archaeologist Y. Kaplan.
- "He immediately recognized that it was rare and so important that he entrusted Michaels, director of antiquities at Heritage, to find out more about it.
- "They were taken to Johns Hopkins University to study the super-fine vitrification of the letters on the stone tablets. Some of the letters in the middle of the inscription are blurred - but still legible under the right lighting."
6. The two-foot-square (0.18 square meter), 115-pound (52 kg) marble slab is inscribed in an early Hebrew script known as Samaritan. The stone tablet was kept in the Samaritan synagogue in the ancient city of Jabneel in Palestine for a long time. Now Michaels understood it to be Yavneh in modern Israel.
After recognizing the significance of the Arai Tablets, Kaplan, a prominent archaeologist, asked Yitzhak Ben-Zwini, then the second president of Israel, to help investigate its provenance. They then published an academic paper detailing the story of the stone tablet's discovery and key information about its historical context.
7. Kaplan eventually sold the stone to an American named Rabbi Saul Deutsch, who took it to the US and displayed it in his Living Torah Museum in Brooklyn, New York.
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) approved the carrying of the inscribed stone tablets, described as Israel's "national treasure", under a special permit issued in 2005. The first stone version inscribed with the 10 Commandments sold for $850,000.
- Most historians say that there is no history of Moses. And without the history of Moses in the Bible, there would be no stone tablets of the historical 10 commandments. In short, the stone tablets confirm the story of Moses in the Bible.
- This discovery is a great confirmation of the historical reliability of the biblical text. This incident also tells us that many people once lived in Iraq. Today, memories of some of these people still exist:
- Jews, Christians, Mandaeans (late followers of John the Baptist), and Yazidis, ancient peoples, whose beliefs were Zoroastrianism, the pre-Islamic religion of Persia, early Christianity, and Judaism. All survivors of this race now face massacres, crucifixions, rape, and beheadings.
- Archeological research has confirmed that the Bible is historically accurate.
Do we have the courage to speak against Moses about the law God gave him if we see such evidence in front of our eyes?
Mount Sinai:
In Exodus 19:18 it was all smoke because Jehovah came down on Mount Sinai with fire. Its smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook."
And do we see the basis of it now?
It is clearly visible. That Mount Sinai, see After investigation it was clear that it was burnt by fire.
Many things that have happened in history have merged in the womb of time. But our Lord is the Living One who cannot be erased by nature or time. Nothing he has done can be hidden... under any circumstances... never.
I started this blog to put before you all the events in the Bible with historical proof. I have written 10 articles till now. Starting with Noah's ark we come to Moses. If you take each topic and study the Bible and history, you will find many pieces of evidence that will surprise you with joy. Let us meditate on all of them one by one.
As I read these, I hope that you will be strengthened in the faith as well.
Here is a more valuable testimony than the testimony of history. It is us. No matter what this evidence shows, we are ever held captive by our Father's love. Salutations to his love.
We have learned about Moses in history, and I will meet again as I meditate on Moses in the scriptures.
May God be with you.
1. To learn more about the evidence for Israel's Exodus from Egypt, read the full article “Exodus Evidence: An Egyptologist's Look at Biblical History” in the May/June 2016 issue of Biblical Archeology Review.
2 Please go through the link below for more information: