Dear Friends,
May the Spirit of the Father who raised Christ our Lord from the dead be with us! Amen!
2. Why did He need to suffer so much and die?
3. Why did He leave everyone and go again?
Now that we know some of the answers to these questions, let us walk in a firmer faith with the evidence of Scripture and history.
If we are wondering what this great miracle in history has to do with the first 33 1/2 years of Christ's era, the answers come pouring out of history and scriptures. Let's meditate on all of them again.
- God, Jehovah, created man on earth in his likeness with a good purpose and told him to prosper and expand and rule over all the things on earth. But he disobeyed God's command and brought death upon himself. That death entered not only him but every man born in his womb. As the scriptures say that the wages of sin are death, every man commits sin and deserves death. God does not want that to happen.
- Although our Father is able to raise the dead and call the things that are not as they are, the Lord decided to take away the sin of one man only through another man, not by His miraculous power.
The Scriptures say there are many. For example...Wickedness, covetousness, jealousy, envy, murder, strife, hypocrisy, strife, slanderers, slanderers, haters of God, torturers, proud people, slanderers, evil-doers, disobedience to parents, fools, wrong-doers, unloving, heartless are worthy of death.
2. What is the death penalty?
The law says that anyone who commits a sin worthy of death must be killed and hanged.
Is that it????
There is more. It is not only physical death but also we lose the eternal life of living in the glory of the Father and we become worthy of eternal fire punishment.
3. Is there any way to escape the punishment of this sin?
- According to the law, the Israelites were to offer a kid (baby goat) as a sin offering every year. And lay hands on the kid and confess their transgressions and sins on it and put them on the goat's head and leave it alone in the wilderness.
- Also, when Israel was punished for their sin, Moses made a brass serpent and put it on a pole, and those who looked at it healed that day.
- But if atonement was made for the Israelites in this way, what about us Gentiles? If you think that... it was decided by God the Father that the sacrifice should be done once for all including gentiles and Israelites. It means that the death that came through one man.....the salvation came through another man who did not know sin. (1 Corinthians 15:21)
4.Who is able to atone for the sin that was spread to all through one man, Adam?
According to Romans 5:8, God revealed his love for us by sending his beloved son Jesus Christ to earth in human form to pay the penalty for sin. He who created all things came in the flesh and delivered himself to death for our sins to deliver us from the present evil time. (Galatians 1:4; John 1:2, John 1:14. John 18:37-38 37)
No. He is holy, innocent, undefiled, separate from sinners, and higher than the heavens. But he himself was made sin, that we might be justified by him, even though he had no cause for death. (Acts 13:28; 2 Corinthians 5:21)
6. What happened through Christ's death?
Just as the sin that came through Adam and was spread, accordingly grace was spread into us through Jesus' death on the cross,
No matter what, no matter what we did, man is afraid of death. We are addicted to that fear. If this is happening, will our father keep silent? Thus Jesus was sent to the earth as a man of flesh and blood to defeat the dreaded devil and destroy him by death. (Romans 5:16; Hebrews 2:14,15;)
7. How are we justified?
If we crucify our old nature with Him and think that we are dead to our past sins, and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, thinking that we are dead, and believe in our hearts that God will raise Him from the dead, we will be saved.
The resurrection of Christ reveals two things to us.
To be crucified with Christ is to surrender our old life of sin to death. Being resurrected with Him means that we receive new life and have life and peace in His company.
Christ died physically. Again the father resurrected him with the same body. That is why the tomb is empty. Then he was glorified. We too will die when our time comes, when the Creator who created us calls us to return as human beings. But when Jesus comes, we will be resurrected as he was. That is, death was defeated because the Lord came and defeated death and rose again in victory. So now we don't have to fear death. Even if we die, we will be resurrected as immortals. Then we will be transformed and put on the body of glory. (1 Cor. 15:21-23)
10. If this sacrifice had not happened, would we have had the forgiveness and salvation we now experience?
Another important good news is….there is no judgment for those who obey the word of the Lord and put their faith in Him. It is as if we have passed from death to life. Similarly, it should be remembered that the crown of life belongs to those who are faithful till death. Also we should live no longer for ourselves but only for our Lord who died for us and rose again. (2 Corinthians 5:15)
So I understand why the Lord Jesus came to this earth and gave himself up to the point of suffering so much and dying on the cross. But to my question why did the Lord who loved us so much leave everyone and went to heaven again, I got a soft answer from him.
- Because, your sins can only be absolved if I die….. So I died.
- If I rise from the grave, death will be vanquished... I will rise again so that the fear of death will be removed from you.
- Since the work entrusted to me by the Father is finished here, I will go back to Him and prepare a place there for you and send you the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father,He will be with you every moment until I return again to take you to Me. (John 14:26-18).
Can anyone love us like this? Will they give their life? Will they Want to keep us with them forever?
What can we give to that love??? Don't you want to give a precious gift to your loved one? We don't have the gift that we can give Him but we have the gift that He loves... that is my heart... your heart. Let's give it all.... till the last breath......
Now I am satisfied. My heart rejoices when I think of His love once more. I don't know how many hours are spent talking about that lover. Kudos to that love. See you again with another message of love.
I am putting before you some evidence that researchers have found about the cross. Take note.
Similarly, I am giving all the references of the above matter below so that you too can meditate again and revive in that love.
Acts. 2:32 God raised up this Jesus and we are all witnesses of this.
Historical evidence:
- Historians say that after Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, many of them tried to hide all evidence of the crucifixion in order to stop the spread of Christianity.
- According to their findings, the Romans placed the cross of Jesus and the crosses of the two thieves in a large pit near Golgotha. 300 years later when an explorer named 'Empress' visited the holy land, he found 3 crosses there. But how to know what is the cross of the Lord in it?
Then the Bishop in Jerusalem got an idea. A sick woman who was suffering from an incurable disease till that day, came and touched the three crosses and when she touched the one she was healed, she found out that it was the cross on which the Lord was nailed. Immediately St. Helena ordered a church to be built there. Thus, they were able to preserve that cross until 614.
- Later, the cross fell into the hands of the Persians and disappeared once more. In 630, Heraclius, emperor of the Byzantine Empire, won a stunning victory over the Persians, then triumphantly returned part of the cross to Jerusalem - the other part remained in Constantinople - where he placed the cross well at Calvary.
- However, a few years later the Arab conquest began and Jerusalem came under Muslim rule. Until the 10th century, worshipers of the True Cross could keep the cross carefully. When Christians were persecuted, the cross was removed from its place and hidden once again. Ninety years later (in 1099) it reappeared again.
- However, it was for the time being that, as in 1187, the True Cross disappeared once again, and this time, surely, the Crusaders took it with them to victory over Sultan Saladin on the battlefield of Hattin, beside Lake Tiberius in Galilee. However, they lost the battle, and the cross fell into the hands of the Sultan of Jerusalem. Then the cross disappeared without leaving even the slightest trace. History says that Pope Urban III could not bear to hear the news and died.
- Saint Louis, in 1238, bought two pieces of the cross, then in 1242, among other relics, he preserved some objects (crown of thorns, thorn, holy sponge…), but during the French Revolution (1794), the fragments of the cross disappeared. Only a few fragments and a holy nail remain. They are now preserved in the vault of the Sacristy of Notre Dame Cathedral.
- Over the centuries (especially since the Middle Ages) all the pieces of wood that have been distributed or sold as relics around the world have been treasured in many churches. According to various analyzes and inquiries, the “real” fragments of Jesus' cross are only about a tenth of the cross; Everything else remains questionable. The remains are referred to as lignum crucis (“wood of the cross”). In the monastery of Mount Athos the largest portion of Greece is preserved; Other fragments are in Rome, Brussels, Venice, Ghent, and Paris.
1. Romans 1:30-32
2. 1 Corinthi. 15:21
3. Galatians.1:4
9. Romans 5:16
10. Hebrews 2:14
19. Romans 6:3
20. Romans 6:4
21. Romans 6:5
22. John 16:5-8
23. John 5:24