Thursday, January 28, 2021

7. Tools (Part 2)

  Dear Friends

The God, who calls the constellations (cluster of Stars) by name in the heavens, the Almighty who created all things with His word of mouth, took the dust and molded it as a man to life which is worthless to His sight, and God loves mankind, and carefully guarding them also using Creatures, objects and many believers as tools in his hands intends to take us in that eternal heaven to come to Him willingly, but not by force. We are meditating upon those tools. In the same manner, let us search few more tools from the scriptures. 

As we meditated on the topic Tools (Part 1 - 1. The Red Sea, 2. Moses' hand stick. 3. Donkey 4. The Sun and the moon 5. Donkey jaw bone 6. The stone in David's sling 7. Crows teach us many lessons. Furthermore, let us meditate on some other tools from the Scriptures which are used by the Lord.


During the reign of King Darius, Daniel was appointed to a prominent position. The king, however, is known among the chiefs and chiefs for his brilliant intellect King intends to appoint Daniel as an authority over the whole kingdom.  All the chiefs there do not like the thing and try to blame Daniel. But they found no fault in him because this Daniel was a believer and found no sin in him. So they thought of blaming Him for worshipping God.

They gave a bad idea to King Darius and took his permission. That is, for 30 days no man should approach or pray to God except to that king. If they do, they will be thrown into the lion's den. But even though he knew it, Daniel would kneel down and pray to his God Jehovah 3 times a day as usual. Then the officers took this opportunity and put Daniel in the lion's Den according to the king's order, even though the king does not like it.

But the king said unto Daniel, The God shall surely save you, whom you shall serve daily.

After fasting all night without sleep king approached Daniel in the den in the morning and called him, Daniel.. did the living God had saved you? Do you know what Daniel replied? My God sent his angel and shut the mouth of the lions.  The king then commanded his officers to throw all of them including their families in the lion's cage who encouraged the king to put Daniel in the same. Before the bodies could reach the ground the lions smashed them including their bones.  "16. So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast [him] into the den of lions. [But] the king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."Daniel 6:16".

According to Daniel's evidence, the angel of the Lord came down and he might say, "Daniel, the servant of God, is coming so, do not open your mouths now. Then how if they feel hungry? The lions knew that their GOD was able to feed them abundantly again in due time, so they did not open their mouths all night even though the food was before their eyes. They were open only when His order came. To obey the word of God means to be so.  The lions were used as tools in the hands of God as evidence of Daniel's faith in his fellowship with God. God told them not to open their mouths as long as Daniel with them, and they obeyed Him.


Although Jehovah God nourished the nation of Canaan in abundance, showing them miracles and keeping them away from sin, from the time when the Lord God intended to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land as promised to their ancestors, they disregard the Lord and became idolatry. Then the father used the dried bones here as tools to show His love for the nation of Israel again.

When God called Ezekiel and put him in a valley full of dried bones and asked if these dried bones could live again, he said, "You only know, Lord." Then God told him to prophesize on the dried bones and speak. And Ezekiel prophesied, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I bring into you the spirit of life, that ye may live, and be covered with flesh, and covered with skin. 

The sound of a roar came from the bones when they were joining together, and he watched as the nerves and flesh came over them and covered the skin on them, but there was no life in them.

Then God told Ezekiel, to prophesize again and speak. When Ezekiel prophesied then the soul of life would come and breathe life out of those who were slain, the spirit came into them, and they rose up alive and became a vast army, which could not be counted.

Then God spoke to Ezekiel and said, these bones refer to all Israel.

They think that our bones have dried up, our hope failed and we are doomed, but now they will know that I am the Lord. 
I have put my spirit within you, that you may live, and I will cause you to dwell in your land, and you will know that I, Yahweh, have spoken, and you will do it. 

Not one, not two...A big army, He is proving that there is a God with us who can bring them back to life in an instant, even after death when their bones have dried up and have no chance of survival. That incident refers not only to those but also to us now to strengthen in faith. For that reason, the dried bones were used as tools.

"I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken [it] and performed [it,"] says the LORD.' "Ezekiel 37:1-14

10. Great fish

When the sin of the people of Nineveh seemed so bad in the sight of the Lord God, he called the pious Jonah and told him to proclaim that their sin would be judged. 
Jonah could not accept it and tried to flee to Tarshish. 
Then he went to Joppa to board the ship which takes him to Tarshish, and went down to the lower berth and fell a deep sleep in the ship.

However, when Jehovah caused a great wind to blow over the sea, a great storm arose in the sea and the ship was wrecked. Then Jonah's name appears when the sailors cast lots to find out who caused this situation. When they woke him up and asked. Jonah replied I am the cause for this great trouble. I am a God-fearing man the God of heaven and God the Creator of the sea and the earth. But when he told the men that he was running away from Yahweh, they obeyed Jonah and threw him into the sea.
Then we all know what tool is willing to be used in the hands of God. The man who knows the greatness of the living God is fleeing unwilling to be used by God but a whale is ready. The whale was assigned to catch him as soon as he fell. Clarity was given to the fish as to who would fall, at what moment, and what to do after catching him. Jonah 1:17
when we put any food in our mouth what happens?  Digestive juices are absorbed into the mouth to help digest food. Also how long does the food last in the mouth? Just a few seconds! Will it be up to us to stop it from digesting after reaching the stomach? The work that was not possible by human beings was made possible by that whale. Not a minute, not an hour but for a full three days. Because that whale is a tool used by God. Wouldn’t it be very surprising to think how great that tool was used!
1. Fish also was in fasting along with Jonah For three days.
2. If that fish is tempted to eat other fish then Jonah will get digested so didn't try to eat anything.
3. The food has fallen into the stomach so the digestive juices will start absorbing. So it has to be very careful not to do it.
4. Also, after reaching the destination with the help of the map given by God, whenever He orders, then Jonah should vomitted.
 Jonah, an eyewitness, explained that the tool certainly fulfilled the Lord's will.

11. Fish
All Jews throughout the Roman Empire were required to pay Jewish temple taxes to finance the maintenance of the temple in Jerusalem. When the Lord Jesus and His disciples come to Capernaum the tax collectors will come to Peter and ask if His teacher will pay the tax? Peter replied... Yes, He will.

Then the Lord called Peter, and asked him to go to the sea, and galling, catching up the fish that first ascended. When its mouth opened a shekel was found. Then bring it for me and you.  Think for a moment about this, what are the chances of it actually happening? Since Peter was a fisherman, he clearly knew that catching the first fish as well as finding the coin in its mouth was a coincidence.
All the works that God has done are wonderful. According to Jonah 1:17, Jesus not only provided the fish here as God sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, but led the fish straight up Peter's hook at the right time, and when Peter opened its mouth as Jesus had said, he found the exact equivalent of paying a temple shekel for both of them. Total.

It is not known where a small fish came from. It does not even have an identity. But was ready to be used in the hands of God.
 We do not know how the coin got into the fish's mouth, but the Lord assigned a task to the fish. The point is, when Peter comes and casts a joke, you must first go yourself and touch that hook. It was looking for the word of the Lord until Peter took it out of the fish's mouth. Do not swallow it and do not eat anything else. A small tool that carefully fulfilled the work the Lord had said. Sounds like a very small thing but what happened there was really a miracle. Mathew 17:24-27
12. Water (water into wine)
John 2:8-9
The first miracle Jesus performed in the Gospel of John was to turn water into wine. According to 2: 1-12, the wine ran out in a marriage. This can be very embarrassing for the groom. Jesus quietly intervened. He ordered his servants to fill the pots to the brim. Later, obeying Jesus, when the servants brought the wine, which had been changed with water, to the master of the feast, he was amazed at the taste.
Who created the worlds and this creation with His mere word, came to earth in human form, He needed to do a miracle for those who believed in Him. But now even word of mouth is not used in that context. The command to workers to fill with water, reached the water. The color, taste, and smell of the water also changed to the miraculous power of the word of the Lord. It was so wonderful that they could never drink such great wine. Even today when we meditate on this occasion it not only increased our faith in Him but also water became a tool in the hands of the Lord to give us a message.

13. The wind and the sea

  One day our Lord Jesus told his disciples to let us go in a boat to the other side of the lake, and they would throw the boat away. He is sleeping on the stern of the ship as they go. They are in a dangerous situation as the storm comes over the lake and the boat is filled with water. Then the disciples were afraid, and woke him up, saying, Lord, Lord, wilt thou worry that we die? Then he gets up and commanded the wind, they are drowned out.
Who was on that boat? Jesus himself, who created that water and air. And don't they know not to bother while he's there? Know! But he himself commissioned them to test the faith of his disciples. Now the water and air understood that they were being used as tools in his hands. But the disciples did not understand that the one who could control the wind and the water was with them. If they saw the meaningful conditions, they were scared to death.
"But He said to them, "Where is your faith?" And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, "Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!" Luke 8:22-25."

If we are still meditating, there are many tools in the scriptures that worked for the Lord and fulfilled His will. Also, there are judges who obeyed the Father and fulfilled his will. There are prophets and kings. Servants of God and missionaries are all tools used by the Lord. 
  • William Carey was used as a tool by the Lord to get this Bible into our hands.
  • Martin Luther was used as a tool for church reformation.
                              There are many more .......

Now it's our turn

  • To be used as a tool in the hands of the Lord is to carry out that role flawlessly, considering that the responsibility we are in our family as a mother, sister, father, brother, and younger sister is the work given by God.
  • Moreover, we have the responsibility to proclaim the love of the Lord. Shouldn’t we be the light for many on what we are lit up! We are the proof that the Lord said that you are the light of the world.
  He will use us anyway if we surrender ourselves to Him. Our life itself becomes a gospel.
  • 2 Timothy 2:21 21. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.
  • 15. "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. John 13:15."
  •  "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me."John 13:20"
  • "Romans 9:23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory,"
If we are ready, we too can be used as tools in His hands.
Whatever it is ... for him ....
I'm finishing up ... let's get ready .... let's get used to ...

 Let's Pray

 Lord! I'm ready! Use me! 

Lord, I am ready. Use me

Use this poor vessel

Fill my soul with your strength and with your Holy spirit ...... 
and Use it

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Thursday, January 7, 2021


Dear Friends,

My heartful New Year wishes to you all.

I am very happy to come to you with the theme "I am not I am".

In this context, I took a seed and I fell for the idea that how did such a small seed turn into a giant tree? I know that it is the work of God but what will be the change in evolution? Did everything happen automatically?

No! If you look carefully It bursts. In other words, it's dead. If the seed thinks that I am what I am, then where we will have a tree .. the fruit?  The seed has to go into the ground, it has to break and die. Then it starts to sprout and bears fruit on the tree. It is not unknown to us but it is now well understood why Jesus many times applied this context to our lives. 

"John 12:24. I tell you the truth unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."

"1 Corinthians 15:36.  How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies."

  • We have to change. What use if ever unchanged? If we think never mind then what's the point of a seed that is not sown?

Many years have gone by beyond us. But no one knows when our journey will end and neither will we know when the Lord will come. And when the Lord gives us the opportunity, not to stay where we are, will we not need to follow in the footsteps of the Almighty and protect ourselves?
  • It does not need anything when it is a seed. But care is needed only when it changes its form. It requires Water, proper soil, and light. If we are in the same condition as before, it will not seem wrong to do anything when we follow the world. There is no happiness as well. There will be no fruit. In other words, it is of no use at all.
  • When we too change our life and become in the form of Christ, then this life of despair will end. The joy that awaits will clear our eyes. If we are in our Lord's company, we are Like a fruitful vine also like a tree planted by the streams of water. The care we need is the same as the plant ... Talking to the Lord and listening to Him, means praying and meditate the word of God.
  • How happy with Him we will be in His association my friends... No matter what we have or not in the world it seems to feel good enough to talk to Him only. Because he is the only one who can support us in our loneliness in the tears of adversity and the one who touches us in His own arms. He is the only one who can guarantee life now as well as after it is over.
  • If this change happens when a small seed falls to the ground and dies... If ego dies in us ... If negligence dies .. I am not I am ... I have become a child of Christ... if we think like that as we are rejoicing in Christ we all know how much change will take place.
  • God has given us another year as an opportunity. Maybe for some people, it will be the last chance. Let us close our eyes and walk in his footsteps with perfect confidence. "John 12:26. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."
  • The day we thought I would not be like in the past life, our life begins to change in us as if it were no longer a seed when it sowed and we change little by little into the likeness of the Lord. Let's change.  "1 Corinthians 15:38. But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body."
  • When We will grow up in the form of the Lord with His attributes in His footsteps on the day we become a child of God. Will fruitful. For many like us turns out to be fruitful. "2 Corinthi 9:10. Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.."
  • Many of us are already following in his footsteps. Glory to God. I am no longer living in the past ... I will not think like me .. I will not speak like me .. I will not love like me... I will not be lazy like me... I will not stop like me  ... I will not go like me ... I will not be like me at all. Lord LIKE YOU is for you as your child ... Change me ... same like YOU   ... If we make a good decision like that, this is definitely a Happy New Year for us.
"Romans 6:13. Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness

"2 Timoti 4:8. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."


Absolutely this is the right time for us to say like Paul that it is not for me to live, but for Christ to live, and for Christ to live.  "Galatians 2:20. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.."

 Paul assures you that he who loves his life will lose it, but he who hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.


We are interested in the study of the Word of God because we are all already transformed into the Lord. Let us strengthen the faith of many with historical proofs in the word of the Lord.
May the grace of Christ be with you!

I Wish You All a BLESSED NEW YEAR.  May God Be with YOU.


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Why Did It Happen?

Dear Friends, May the Spirit of the Father who raised Christ our Lord from the dead be with us! Amen!   I always wondered why did it happen?...